
This larp will have a few returning characters from its first run, but most of the cast will be freshly written for this run, for the players, specifically. Once casting has been decided, I will use feedback from the casting survey to create character seeds incorporating expressed preferences for everything from House to who you’re most interested in playing with. Those seeds will be sent to players, who will then have an opportunity to give me thoughts and feedback so that I can refine the characters into their final sheets. Full character sheets will be sent in January of 2024, to allow for additional time for feedback and adjustment if needed.

Character Populations

  • 2nd House: Two is for discipline, heedless of trial
    • The commanders and tacticians of the fleet. There are new rising stars within the Second House, eager to gain reputation. Necromantic generalists, the Second House is always ready, and fully willing, to step in to pick up the slack (and the acclaim) for the other Houses.
    • Flavor: Refined military officer chic for all members
    • Colors: bright red and white
    • Character Population: 4 – two necro/cav pairs.
  • 3rd House: Three for the gleam of a jewel or a smile (socialite flavor)
    • The high royalty of the Third House is… well they’re not here, certainly, they have no reason to be in the Fleet, but some of the nobility certainly are. In fact, your Admiral, Trillium Gamma is a proud and decorated officer, and is known to throw the best parties in the Cohort. The rest, well, they’re usually out of favor in some way or other, or they find the practical application of the arts of blood and fleshcraft to be more interesting than sleeping in comfortable beds.
    • Flavor: Decadence, high space fashion
    • Colors: Gold and purple
    • Character population: 6 – one necro/cav pair, one necro/cav/cav secondary set. And Trillium. Don’t worry about them. Ahem.
  • 4th House: Four for fidelity, facing ahead (military flavor)
    • The soldiers of the Fleet, the Fourth House lives fast, fights hard, and usually dies young. They specialize in channeling energy and can turn corpses (or themselves) into devastating bombs. The General of the ground forces is perhaps the longest-lived Fourth House officer to date, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience.
    • Flavor: Rough and ready military gear
    • Colors: Navy blue and white
    • Character population: 8 – four necro/cav pairs
  • 5th House: Five for tradition and debts to the dead (academic & socialite flavor)
    • Koniortos Court, the seat of the Fifth House, is also the seat of the Empire’s government. Fifth House politicians are known to do a tour of duty for the sake of their reputations, but those so sensitive to the souls of the dead don’t tend to enjoy battlefields for very long. Primarily they are historians who preserve the structure of the Empire
    • Flavor: Space politicians, can lean either academic or socialite
    • Colors: Brown and gold
    • Character population: 5 – one necro/cav pair, one necro/cav/cav secondary set.
  • 6th House: Six for the truth over solace in lies (academic flavor)
    • The Sixth House is home to the Library of the Empire, and is effectively an entire society of academics. They send people to the fleet primarily to court fresh blood into their House – literally, so while they’re not known for martial prowess, they are certainly looking to make friends. (Of course, every now and then you get someone with a scholarly interest in warfare, and that just makes it more weird.)
    • Flavor: Dark Academia but make it space
    • Colors: Grey and silver
    • Character population: 5 – one necro/cav pair, one necro/cav/cav secondary set.
  • 7th House: Seven for beauty that blossoms and dies (socialite flavor)
    • The tragic and beautiful Seventh House produces noble and delightful courtesans, few of whom find it necessary to serve in the Cohort, but those that do are are terrifying artists of pain and death – their own and others’. The Seventh is infamous for a hereditary cancer that shortens their lives but results in extremely powerful necromancers.
    • Flavor: Socialite
    • Colors: Pale green and silver
    • Character population: 4 – two necro/cav pairs.
  • 8th House: Eight for salvation no matter the cost (religious flavor)
    • The Eighth House is the moral center of the Empire, producing priests, judges, and counselors. Most ships have a counselor from the Eighth serving among the officers, and this one is no different. These individuals rarely see combat, but their ability to siphon souls when they do makes them unnerving comrades.
    • Flavor: Religious, Catholic chic
    • Colors: White and silver
    • Character Population: 4 – two necro/cav pairs.
  • 9th House: Nine for the Tomb, and for all that was lost (religious flavor)
    • The smallest and most reclusive House, it is extremely rare to meet someone from the Ninth. Obsessed with bones and some sort of heretical religion, every now and then someone will escape obscurity to serve, and to everyone’s curiosity, that seems to be the case here.
    • Flavor: Religious, bone nuns
    • Colors: Black and more black
    • Character population: 2 – one necro/cav pair.
  • Total character population: 38
    • Necromacers: 18
    • Cavaliers: 20

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The Locked Tomb, the Nine Houses, the Emperor Undying, and all related characters and setting elements are copyright Tamsyn Muir and Tor Books. The Jaw of Victory is intended for entertainment only and no profit is being made.