Newsletter of Victory 03.2023

Hello my beloved hoard of skeletons-to-be! Welcome to the third issue of the Newsletter of Victory, where I talk to you about where I’m at in developing this larp.

So March got away from me a little bit, can you tell. Some of this has been high levels of work stress and some of it has been being really excited to do some extracurricular larping next week, but I have not completely forgotten about the Jaw. First, a summary:

What we know so far:
The larp will take place Friday and Saturday, April 124h and 14th, 2024. There will be a combination of inclusive tickets ($400 ball park, room and board on site included), larp-only tickets ($200 ball park), and scholarship/sponsored tickets ($100 and/or free). It will be in Pittsburgh, PA or in Minneapolis, MN.

ON THAT NOTE: please look at the sites and tell me if you have a strong preference for one or the other.

What I’ve been up to:
I did a little photoshoot with the physical Jaw of Victory, with the help of Jasper Meadowsweet’s fancy prop sword, and of course some bonus bones from Stan Stanley, resident bone witch. These need further editing, but will be used for promotional materials. Here’s a sample!

I’ve been thinking lots of deep thoughts about how to roll out, without actually doing any rolling. I very much would like to get a website and Facebook group up – right now the question is whether or not I’m doing that with the name of an LLC or not. I’m going to answer that question and get these things up by next month. April showers bring next April larps, as the saying goes.

Will people need to sign up in pairs? You do not have to, but I recognize that some folks might want to, so I’m going to incorporate the option. However, signing up as a pair does not guarantee that both people will be invited to come, so please reflect on whether or not this would impact your interest. I will take preferences into account when creating characters, so you should be able to play with people you want to play with, and/or people that I’m confident will result in quality shenanigans.

Also, some necromancers are SO FANCY they will have cavaliers secondary as well as primary.

Will there be vetting? Of course! I’ll be using a red, yellow, and green flagging system for people to indicate someone that they feel is unsafe to come to a larp (red), someone that they don’t want to play with personally but is not unsafe (yellow), and people they enthusiastically vouch for (green). And I suppose a secret fourth option, which is no flag for neutrality.

I have a dream character, if I get a ticket can I have that character? Nnnno with a “but”. There are some people from the playtest who have been invited back who may reprise their characters if they want to, but every character is pre-written. *BUT* the casting survey will make sure that I can tailor your character to you, and there will be a period for you to give feedback and for us to tweak things if you need to. I find doing this usually makes for better characters anyway, so please always feel free to ping me if you have thoughts or concerns.

If your dream character is Gideon or Harrow (or Ianthe if you’re nasty) I’m sorry to inform you that they won’t be born for another 1,000 years.

Things I need to think about:
How money. What even is money. I have an unused checking account with an attached paypal just sorta hanging around, so I’m weirdly prepared to receive and pay out money from a dedicated silo. What I’m wondering is whether or not I should open up ticket sales with a deposit so that I have some funds for little things like site reservations, and if I do, if that deposit should be refundable to folks who don’t get cast. (Yeah, the other option don’t feel right.)

That’s kind of the big one right now. I will very coincidentally be in the presence of various experienced larprunners next weekend and plan to pick their brains, but I’m open to thoughts and input from folks in the meantime.

What can you do to help:
This has not changed! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. Email, Facebook, Discord, etc, pester me freely.

And of course, keep sharing the interest survey! It only makes me MORE POWERFUL! Some of you are going to Lies & Liability or one of the Daemon runs! Threaten those you meet with a good time!